Physical and Occupational Therapy

Early Support Program

Licensed Physical therapists and Occupational therapists work with children and their families with the goal to enhance a child’s overall motor and self-help skills. Therapists evaluate current motor skills through formal assessment, clinical observation, and parent report. As part of a comprehensive therapy plan, therapists provide support services that are based in play and incorporate your family’s daily activities.

The focus of therapy is to help children become more independent. Therapy facilitates a child’s large mobility movement (rolling, walking, sitting), small movements (using their hands, using tools, and manipulating objects), and ability to interact with their environment. Specialized equipment may also be used to support a child’s development, as needed.

The intensity, frequency, duration, and location of therapy varies according to the needs of each child. Location options include:

  • Home visits
  • In-clinic appointments
  • Childcare
  • Kindering’s Stepping Stones Toddler Preschool Program
  • Around the community (e.g., park, mall, etc.) (limited)

For more information regarding Early Support Physical and Occupational Therapy and to schedule a comprehensive developmental assessment, please call Kindering’s intake line at (425) 653-4300 to discuss the enrollment for your child.

KidsClinic Pediatric Therapy

Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapy services are also available for children ages birth through 10 years old, including children who do not qualify for Early Support services. Please visit our KidsClinic Pediatric Therapy page for more information or complete the online intake form here, to have your child added to our waitlist for services.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at  or call us at (425) 289-7526.