Anna’s Story

Allie and Dave recall a very typical pregnancy and birth with their daughter Anna. In her first few months feeding was a challenge, and Anna’s development was slow, though usually just within the range of what was considered typical.

But concerns persisted and Anna’s development lagged, particularly around feeding and sleeping. Specialists struggled to identify the source of Anna’s delays and a diagnosis seemed elusive, until finally a new pediatrician informed the family that Anna had microcephaly.

The pediatrician connected the family with Kindering, and after an in-home evaluation, the family began working with an occupational therapist. Before long they had added speech, vision, nutrition, and physical therapy services as well.

Allie and Dave recall feeling relief; that for the first time their concerns were truly being heard and addressed holistically. “Kindering has it all,” says Allie. “We can get all of our services in one place, and everyone talks to each other. They say that it takes a village to raise a child, and Kindering is our village.”

Allie and Dave highlight significant strides in many aspects of Anna’s development. She went from only laying and rolling to sitting up independently, and then to pulling herself up to stand. A Kindering physical therapist recommended braces to support Anna’s budding mobility, which were key in empowering her to take her first steps.

Anna’s communication and receptive language skills progressed notably, including using her words to request food and toys, and she has made leaps in feeding therapy, which the family is able to build on at home every day.

Allie and Dave remark over Anna’s gains, and praise the support they have received from Kindering staff as well as from other Kindering families, who are experiencing similar challenges and really understand. “Kindering has provided us a home, and a community of people that we wouldn’t have otherwise. You have this great community here to celebrate these ‘inch-stones’ with,” says Allie, looking forward to what Anna will achieve. “I don’t know what she’s going to do, but she is going to do something great.”

See all of our family stories.