Elin’s Story

Elin was born a happy and seemingly healthy child, but 12 hours after her birth she turned a purple, dusky color. Hospital staff rushed to revive her, and her mother recalls the dread of wondering if her newborn would make it out of the hospital alive.

Elin was born with partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, meaning she is missing part of the middle of her brain, hindering communication between the left and right hemispheres. After many sleepless nights, Elin’s parents brought her to Kindering for help, where her therapist worked on patterned movements to enable greater mobility. Elin’s mother remarked over the progress and gains playing out right before her eyes, as Elin became increasingly able to transition from seated to lying down, to four-point, to kneeling and even standing.

“If our family didn’t have this resource, I’m not sure where we’d be, but Kindering is able to give us the tools that we need to get her where she needs to go,” says Mom. “Having a child with special needs is difficult. But I feel that Elin has given us something more than our family could’ve had without her. And having her in our life has been just a blessing, and we consider her a gift.”

See all of our family stories.