Jessica’s Story

Though our FIT families have unique stories and circumstances, each exemplify the need for personalized support for families experiencing trauma.  One such family is a stunning example of the complexity and importance of our work.   Jessica is two-years-old and her family lives in transitional housing in Renton.

They had previous involvement with Child Welfare due to substance abuse; but, since that time, have been reunited with Jessica and are now living clean and sober.

After their Child Welfare case closed Kindering was able to provide on-going Family Support services to help them maintain their parenting skills, even as they face the on-going stress of housing instability.

Liz, our family support services therapist provides trauma-informed parent coaching and helps them enact strategies to deal with Jessica’s emotions and behaviors, which include helping her express frustration without screaming or hitting and being able to separate calmly from her parents (including at night time to sleep in her own bed) and adjust to her new baby brother who was just born.  The Kindering FIT team and support is a great way for Jessica’s parents to continue to develop strong parenting skills.

Currently Jessica and her parents participate in our co-op class to help her develop social skills and help her parents connect with other parents.

See all of our Family Stories.