Training, cats, and dogs: Prepping for the PCT with hiking partner Courage the Lion and special guest Tisza. 

August 1, 2017 – Courage the Lion and I have been doing a bunch of training hikes to prepare for the big one. Much as I’d like to be able to roll out of bed and hike the length of Washington cold turkey, the Courage/Tom brain trust determined that some practice in the lead-up will probably make for an all-around better experience. Lucky to have such a wise hiking partner… it’s often the quiet ones who have the best insights.

Below are a few photos from the trail. We’ve been increasing distance, and did a 19-miler yesterday with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain and loss. Even during moments of strain and occasional windedness, I couldn’t be more excited to embark on this journey.

I think regularly about the families making extraordinary progress through Kindering, and the children who defy odds, diagnoses, and expectations. I also think about the unmet demand that still exists in our communities. Doing my small part to help Kindering reach more families in need is worth every blister, every bug bite, every step.

Next up: more elevation!

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Courage the Lion, impersonating his favorite movie about a certain “regal” lion.

Blue skies between the trees near Diamond Lake, Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

Courage the Lion, taking a load off during a training hike.

Taking in the scenery near Mason Lake.